Cooking With Style

Cooking With Style
"There is no sincere love, than the love of food itself"

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Persian Masterpiece

So every Friday night my Grandmother cooks as if she is expecting a bunch of people to arrive, but no its just the usual handful of family members. She works all day from the morning until sunset to perfect her delicious Persian dishes. Its never a simple rice or stew dish. She really goes all out, different rices, different stews, chicken, salads and a bunch of other amazing dishes. You would think at a certain point in her life she would take a break and not continue to engage in such backbreaking activities, but this is what she lives for. Every Friday night she puts on a show with her perfected Persian dishes. I would like to take the opportunity to thank her for all of her hard work. If it wasn't for my Persian background I would probably not have such an interest in perfecting these dishes. Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for a in depth explanation on how these dishes are created, mastered and what it takes to complete these amazing foods. One thing you should know about Persian cooking, it is a long process to follow, but the results are well worth it.


Cooking With Style


1 comment:

  1. Very cute!!
    Is her ringtone still Barbie Girl?? lol
