Cooking With Style

Cooking With Style
"There is no sincere love, than the love of food itself"

Friday, December 24, 2010

Onion Roasted Baked Chicken

First I used some onions that I had sauteed in tumeric and cumin and layered the bottom of the tray. Next I created a marinate. For the marinate I first used one juice of a lime, teaspoon of honey, olive oil, paprika, cumin, tumeric, salt, pepper and some Italian seasonings. Mix everything together until the honey is mixed well and brush the chicken inside the skin and outside with the marinate. Layer the chicken on top of the onions. Bake on high heat, about 450 in the oven for 2 hours. After the 2 hours take off the foil and brush the chicken again with the juices that are in the dish. The onions will become a little sweet and the chicken is so oh so tender.


Cooking With Style


Fingerling Potatoes

Perfect for any side dish. First I wash the potatoes really well, pour some salt, pepper, olive oil, paprika, tumeric and cumin all together into a bowl with the potatoes, mix everything together and bake in the oven covered with foil for about 45 minutes.


Cooking WIth Style



So easy to make and the results are amazing. First I take my ground beef, throw it into a bowl, add in some cut up fresh flat leaf parsley, salt, pepper, tumeric, cumin, paprika and olive oil. For the tomato sauce I first saute onions, tomatoes, garlic and flat leaf parsley all together. Once the mixture is ready I next add in one can of tomato sauce. Once everything is done then I finally add in my rolled up meatballs. Serve with a side of pasta or rice!


Cooking With Style


Gondi Time!

For those of you who are not aware of what Gondi is, it is a Jewish Persian dish served during shabbot. It is a lot easier then most may think. You can visit any kosher market and find the Gondi mixture already pre made. This way you won't have to mix the ground chicken, grind up chickpeas and onions together. For the soup you will first need to saute one whole white onion with olive oil, tumeric and cumin. Next I add in water to fill about half the pot, add in some garbanzo beans and four dried lemons. Let the soup mixture sit for about 40 minutes. 20 minutes before serving add in your Gondi balls and salt, pepper. To make the Gondi balls just roll up small amounts of Gondi and throw them into the pot.


Cooking With Style


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hamburger Time

To prepare the patties I cut up some flat leaf parsley very finely. In a plastic container add in the ground beef, parsley and the following spices, cumin, paprika, salt + pepper. I also add in a little olive oil. Next I added in a little bit of bread crumbs to hold the mixture together as well as a egg. Make sure you mix everything really well, I use my hands and for best results I recommend you using your hands as well. Then you just want to form the patties and cook them on your stove top in a frying pan with some oil. Add in your favorite sauces and condiments and you have yourself a meal!


Cooking With Style


Sweet potato Fries!

I promise you these delicious treats won't make it to the dinner table, mine didn't! It is a very simple side dish to make and can be paired with just about any dinner. You first want to wash the sweet potatoes, make sure you wash them well and peel all of the skin off. Next you want to slice them in any manner you like. Fill up a frying pan with some oil of your choice and begin frying! Once everything is finished lay them on a piece of towel paper and sprinkle some salt and pepper.


Cooking With Style